I shall return! - Gen. Douglas McArthur
Do You ReallY KnoW YouRSElf?? IF yOU ArE GoiNG to Ask mE tHe SamE QuEstIoN, I woULD deFiniTeLy tELL yoU I dO noT. SimPLY BecaUsE I aM inTO conFUsiON. FoR ThE PasT FeW WeEks, I cOULd haRDLy unDErsTanD WHaT I ReaLLy waNt in My LiFE. QueStioNS, anD DouBTs, oveRWheLM thE InNeR ParT oF My BeiNG. ThERe ArE ThiNGs ThaT I Do, EmOtiOns thAt I FeEL, aND ThouGhTS thAt ComE IntO mY MinD thAt aRE nOt acCePTaBLe To Me BuT TheY'rE ReaLLy There--eXiStiNG, ReAL, AliVe. LiFe iS meaNT tO be ENjoYeD oF BuT iT seEmS tHat I aM NoT LiVinG wItH iT aS iT iS.
Do You ReallY KnoW YouRSElf?? IF yOU ArE GoiNG to Ask mE tHe SamE QuEstIoN, I woULD deFiniTeLy tELL yoU I dO noT. SimPLY BecaUsE I aM inTO conFUsiON. FoR ThE PasT FeW WeEks, I cOULd haRDLy unDErsTanD WHaT I ReaLLy waNt in My LiFE. QueStioNS, anD DouBTs, oveRWheLM thE InNeR ParT oF My BeiNG. ThERe ArE ThiNGs ThaT I Do, EmOtiOns thAt I FeEL, aND ThouGhTS thAt ComE IntO mY MinD thAt aRE nOt acCePTaBLe To Me BuT TheY'rE ReaLLy There--eXiStiNG, ReAL, AliVe. LiFe iS meaNT tO be ENjoYeD oF BuT iT seEmS tHat I aM NoT LiVinG wItH iT aS iT iS.