The above picture was taken from the website of GMANews.TV. It shows the "fake" copy of the supposed GMANews.TV website where information about a 14-year-old boy infected with AIDS Virus after eating at Karate Kid, a fast food chain in Walter Mart, Makati City is spreading through email.
Below is the full story.
MAKATI, Philippines – A 14 year old boy was diagnosed with AIDS upon eating in a well known fast food chain in Walter Mart. “KARATE KID” Makati Walter Mart Branch refused to give comment about this issue and so as Makati Medical Center as where our sources says that the AIDS Issue came from., the report in Makati City Police district by the angry parents has not been released yet for unknown reasons.
A 14yr old boy studying in Don Bosco Makati had eaten a fast food take-away about month ago and fell sick, later when he had his health check done doctors in Makati Medical Center Doctor diagnosed that he had AIDS. His parents couldn’t believe it…?
Then the entire family under went a checkup none of them was suffering from HIV or AIDS. The doctors checked with the boy if he had eaten out? And the boy says he had take-away one afternoon a food from WALTER MART MAKATI ” a KARATE KID fast food”. The hospital team went there to check. They found out that the cook had a cut on his finger while cutting the food ingredients, and his blood had spread in the food.
The blood was un-noticeable. When they had his blood checked… the guy was suffering from AIDS but he himself was not aware.
Makati Med and “Karate Kid” refused to comment in this issue BUT locals said that the COOK was known as a “Playboy” Which lives near the area.
- Karen Balagtsun, GMANews.TV

The GMANews.TV released a statement about the issue stated in its official website.
MANILA, Philippines - GMANews.TV, the official news Web site of GMA Network’s News and Public Affairs, would like to warn the public not to fall for a phony Web site masquerading as our site.
The sham Web site has the URL, and recently it posted a fabricated news item entitled "KARATE KID" FAST FOOD with AIDS!!!" The bogus story was about a 14-year-old boy who was diagnosed with AIDS after eating in a Makati restaurant.
A screen shot of the bogus Web site carrying the Karate Kid story has been circulating in Internet forums apparently to discredit GMANews.TV and the restaurant.
Legitimate Web sites can easily be faked through digital photo editing software applications. In the case of the fake GMANews.TV Web site, the perpetrators obviously made a screen grab of the nation page that contained the Red Cross kidnapping story, altered the copied page with a bogus Karate Kid story and posted it online using an obscure URL This Web site does not belong to GMANews.TV or any of its affiliates, including its parent company, GMA Network Inc. and its Internet unit, GMA New Media Inc.
A comparison of the fake Web site and the GMANews.TV will reveal these glaring differences:
First, the fake Web site used all capital letters in the headline. These are not the style of GMANews.TV even if it is the end of the world.
Second, the fake Web site used triple exclamation points. These are also not the style of GMANews.TV.
Third, the fake Web site used a text font type that is different from the one used by GMANews.TV.
Fourth, articles tagged as related stories were about the kidnapping of International Committee of the Red Cross in Sulu.
Moreover, GMANews.TV has no writer named Karen Balagtsun, the supposed author of the atrocious news item.
GMANews.TV is continuing its investigation into the matter and we intend to make public the results of this inquiry.
Whoever is responsible for the fake site probably means it as a joke. While we here at GMANews.TV can take a joke, we take our journalism seriously. As such, we take this incident as an attack on the integrity not only of the GMANews.TV but also on the whole institution.
We reiterate our commitment to the practice of fair and ethical journalism, and remain true to our promise to provide unbiased and balanced reports and views to our reading public. - GMANews.TV