One of my photo shots in Subic Bay beach in Olongapo City
Each day is a new opportunity to close the door of the past and experience a brand-new start. Each day is a chance for everyone to change from not-so-good person into a better one. The fact that God divided the days into twenty-four-segments is an evidence that we need to start over on a regular basis. This is how how God demonstrates His love towards His people. There is always a new day, a new month, and a new year. But of course, even if these new beginnings are there, they cannot work themselves without our cooperation. We must make good use of these by making wise decisons in life each day. What better time to decide than the first month of the new year, right? So I think this is why many people enlist their resolutions on a sheet of paper during new year.
I do not know exactly what's happening inside you today. Maybe you've been struggling with depression, anger, hatred, or bitterness. Or perhaps you are just like I was (and sometimes, I am) - you've been burned by past relationships and circumstances, and you are still carrying around the ashes. These are the deep hurts from old wounds that have never been healed. Even if we believe that God is there to help us, we couldn't help ourselves but to doubt. We keep on battling with different kinds of emotions deep inside our hearts.
No matter how much time had gone in the past is still the past. What had been done had already been done. We could not change the circumstances anymore. We could not alter things the way we want them to be. Only God can take care of it now. Remorse and condemnation bear no good fruit. We should acknowledge our sins, accept God's forgiveness, get on with living for His glory and honor. In Lamentations 3:22-23, it says, "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." Here, the Prophet Jeremiah assures us that God's mercy is new every morning. I remember when I was still in my hometown that every Monday morning, we had this so called "Dawn Prayer" in the church. We sung the hymnal song 'The Steadfast Love" before we proceed in prayers. Here's the lyrics: "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercy is never come to an end. They are new morning, new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness, O Lord. Great is Thy faithfulness." I am so glad that God provides a new batch of mercy daily, so we can decide to have a new beginning every day.