Medicinal Plants

In these modern days of sophisticated medicine and the new way of producing so many kinds of medicine, very few people especially those from the cities do not believe in the value and effectiveness of herbal plants that abound in this country, as substitute to modern packaged or bottled pharmaceuticals.These herbal plants that are used as herbal tea drinks, as body applications and for washing sores and wounds, are medicinal for asthma, dysentery, skin diseases, cancer, wounds, boils, stomach troubles, colds and other pulmonary diseases. There are fruits that are good to contain sickness as diabetes, high blood, respiratory ailments, chest, and blood hemorrhage. There are leaves that are used as medicinal application for wounds, broken bones and others.These medicine from herbal plants, trees and flowers can be immediately used for emergency cases, especially when far from the town and modern medicine is not available locally.The early people of older days stated that early people used for medicine for their sickness leaves and plants with herbal medicine, cures. From medicinal plants pharmacy develop medicine in bottles and in package, Here in the Philippines, our herbal doctor use medicinal plants. The use of herbal medicine, and the demand for herbalist doctors locally, and the successful cures demand that modern doctors use these medicinal plants also. You'll find in this book the common plants that are now in use in the provinces. We have hundreds of herbal plants but only those that are already tested and use (are found in this book. Our doctors, our pharmacists, and our scientists as well as those re searchers are beginning to make use of our plants and trees that have medicinal proper ties.The poor people who cannot afford the high costs of modern medicine from drug stores are resorting to the use of herbs which can be found around the house yards of man) homes and can be obtained without costs.This welcome news is reportedly by the Philippine Council for Agricultural Research and Development (PCARRD) after a latest discovery and survey to revive herbal medicine in the country.Inflammation and ArthritisThe main feature of arthritis is inflammation, which is a reaction of the joint tissues to some form of injury or damage. The consequences of this kind of reaction were known even in ancient times. Celsius, a Roman physician of the first century AD, listed four major signs of inflammation: heat, pain, redness and swelling (the Latin names being color, dolor, rubor and tumor). A fifth sign, loss of function (function laesa), is sometimes added. Although the description refers to inflammation in general, it still holds true to joint inflammation and reflects, remarkably accurately, the symptoms experienced by those afflicted with arthritis. In addition, there may be a slight rise in body temperature, headache, loss of appetite and general feeling of ill-health.We now know that the changes in the body responsible for these symptoms are fairly complex. In simple terms, they consist of a widening of the blood vessels in the sensorial membrane with an increase of blood sent by the body to the affected joint. The blood vessel walls then leak proteins and fluids, which make up part of the blood, into the surrounding tissues. Another characteristic change is the white blood cells (leucocytes) traveling through these blood vessels. This swelling of the blood vessels and accumulation of fluid in the inflamed tissues explains the redness, warmth and swelling first observed by Celsius. Pain comes from the irritation of the specialized nerve endings within the joint, though how this happens is not really known. Much research has been undertaken in arthritis to find out what really triggers off inflammation. This has revealed that a large number of chemical substances, naturally present in the human body, take part.If the injury or damage to the joint is temporary or not too severe, the acute inflammation (or sinusitis) subsides and repairing by the body begins. Blood vessels return to their original size, normal blood flow is established, the white blood cells either die or re enter the blood vessels, tissue fluid is absorbed into the circulation and injured cells are replaced. If, on the other hand, the reasons for the inflammation carry on, the arthritis becomes lasting, or chronic. The symptoms and signs described above are less dramatic, but they are disabling nonetheless. Healing is only partial, occurring side by side with `grumbling' inflammation. The main feature of this chronic inflammation is the infiltration of the membrane lining the joint by various types of cells - scavenger and repair cells, large and small. The body fails to eliminate the foreign invader and becomes a little confused, some of these cells being responsible for the inflammation remaining.Recent research has thrown light on. The way in which some of these cells are involved in damage to the joint. Normally, the body can tell what is `self and what is `foreign': this is called the body's `immune' system. In certain situations, this system becomes defective and the body's defense cells produce antibodies (substances which the human body makes to destroy disease making `invaders') against itself, so much so that they cause tissue injury. A vicious circle is set up, with inflammation producing damage, which makes the body produce antibodies which produce yet more inflammation and mischief!Rheumatoid ArthritisThis is a chronic arthritis that typically affects the same joints on the two sides of the body, such as the hands and feet, with the symptoms coming and going at different times.According to surveys carried out in different parts of the world, rheumatoid arthritis is one of the more common types of arthritis and occurs in approximately two to three per cent of people, although it seems uncommon in primitive communities. For unknown reasons, women are affected three times more often than men. Individuals of all ages may develop the disease, from infants to the elderly, though it is most common between the ages of 25 and 55 years. Arthritis - Arthritis affects body joints, as those in the fingers, wrist, knee, etc.There is yet no cure for arthritis, but it can be made less painful by resting, and placing hot compress on the affected joints.Or you can use Lagundi leaves to relieve the pain. Simply heat enough fresh leaves (including stems and petioles) over a fire, then pound, and apply on the affected joints while still warm. Apply bandage to keep the leaves in place. Change the dressing every four; hours, as needed.If it didn't work, you may take 2 aspirin tablets (if you're not allergic to it and if you don't have peptic ulcer) four to six times a day. Should you feel symptoms of overdose, like ringing in the ears or abdominal pain, reduce dosage to 1 tablet four to six times a day. When arthritis is accompanied by fever, sore throat, or sandy urine, and when the joints are red, warm, and tender, you have to consult a physician.