Sometimes, it's hard for us to accept the reality that we need people, we need companionship. Maybe because we see ourselves strong. We try to hide the ache that is brought about by the unsatisfied longing we have in relationships, longings that we look in people whom we consider important part of our lives. But the reality still remains: People will not always satisfy us. There are times that we just cry in the corner because of unexplainable feelings we feel. We are just left confused. Instead of running to God, we run away from Him. We try to ignore to face the reality. We are afraid. We immediately dig our own wells, which, we think would somehow satisy any thirstiness that we have in our hearts.
Lord, may we feel Your unconditional love for us. In times of distress and loneliness, comfort us. Give us strenght and courage to face the internal realities of life. Help us to realize that people will not always satisfy our longings of our souls. It is only in You where we could find rest.